…Invasive Alien Species that is!
Hello and welcome to my blog! Over the next few months I am going to explore Invasive Alien Species and their impact on our global environment.
Invasive Alien Species (IAS) are plants, animals and microorganisms that are found in environments non-native to them, they "invade" a new habitat. Surprisingly, they are more common than you'd think, check out ISSG's 100 World's Worst Invasive Alien Species, are there any that you recognise?
Being labelled with terms such as "invasive" and "alien", many assume them to only have negative impacts on the areas they inhabit like shown in this clip of The Simpsons.
Intrusions into new environments obviously have an impact on the species already living there and in turn could lead to extinction, but is this always the case? What effect have humans had on the global spread of these species? Is the alien invasion getting out of control?
Check back to find out all the answers!
Check back to find out all the answers!
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